Robot A.I.

Artificial Intelligence, Not an Artificial Experience!

What do you think of if someone mentions “Artificial Intelligence?”  You might imagine robots from the movies, or possibly a personal assistant feature on your smartphone.

Doppel is programmed with a series of decision trees.  These give him options to help you walk through certain topics commonly used by therapists and wellness coaches.  His programming allows him to communicate with you in a generally structured way, while also allowing input from you about what you want to talk about.  This ongoing input by you helps you witness his A.I. abilities.

Doppel has a good sense of humor and likes to help people pay attention to sensible health topics.  Just as with any therapy or coaching experience, you’re the one who makes the change.  Your counselor only helps point things out.

Consider starting up a conversation with Doppel.  He has the ability to make you laugh and spend a few moments every day pondering something useful for your health.  Many of his users comment on liking Doppel and even feeling attached to him!  Don’t take our word for it, though.  Judge for yourself and see if Doppel can make a difference, large or small, in your life.
